The La Crosse Tribune from La Crosse, Wisconsin (2024)

A a a a a a a a a PAGE SIX LA CROSSE TRIBUNE AND LEADER-PRESS Monday, April 4 P. O. YIELDS LAST AIR MAIL ROUTE TO PRIVATE HANDS Contract for New York-Chicago Link Awarded to National Air Transport Co. WASHINGTON. -(A.

The postoffice department has relinquished to private enterprise the last of the widespread air mail system that it reared from infancy. A contract has been awarded to National Air Transport, of Chicago, for the New York-Chicago section of the transcontinental service, the last unit remaining under government control. For some time the department has been desirous of turning over to private interests this phase of its mail activities so that it would have air mail transportation on a footing similar to that carried by the railroads. The figure is one cent above the bid submitted by the North American Airways. The latter bid, however, was protested by Paul Henderson, a former assistant postmaster general, and now general manager National Air Transport, on the ground that government mail employes and a number of pilots were alleged have agreed to subscribe to $100,00 stock in the North American Airways if that company obtained the contract.

"IMMORTALITY OF SOUL" SUBJECT AT ST. MARY'S SUNDAY Dr. Robert B. Condon spoke at St. Mary's church Sunday night on Immortality of the Soul" before a crowd which filled the church.

He gave convincing proof of the soul's immortality and refuted many of the arguments advanced against it. Next Sunday night, the last of the Sunday night lenten services. Dr. Condon's subject will be "The Truth About Mexico." NO INDICATIONS THAT DANGER TO YANKS IS OVER (Continued from page one) sailors was killed and thrown in the river. Several Japanese houses in the concession were destroyed, and the homes suburb, of are those living surrounded in Chichimese pickets.

Japanese fired with machine guns on natives in the Japanese concession. There was a quarrel between a Japanese sailor and rickshaw coolies. A mob of Chinese invaded concession, held up Japanese in the streets and began looting. Sailors were quickly landed from warships in the and opened with machine guns to disperse the Chinese, wounding two of them. The Japanese faced by what apparently is a serious situation at Hankow, have rushed additional warships there.

Seemingly the Japanese are in danger of losing their concession at Hankow as the British did some time ago, and it remained to be seen today Whether their naval force was concentrating at the treaty port on the Yangtse with the purpose of evacuating the Japanese or fighting to retain the concession. Three steamers with food stuffs and supplies are leaving for Hankow tomorrow. Calls for Joint. Action The American chamber of commerce in Shanghai in a statement just issued, called for concerted action by the powers to restore order in China. It declared that militarism, brigandage and bolshevism have destroyed all semblance of law and order in the greater part of China and that the joint action called for would have a far reaching influence throughout the country and be of ultimate benefit to the Chinese themselves.

Recent events, leading to the evacuation of the entire Yangtse valley, said the statement, do not coincide with "repeated assurances of militarists and other spokesmen of political factions that they can and will protect life and property." Sees New Crisis LONDON. (A. Another crisis seems to be approaching at Hankow, Foreign Minister Chamberlain told the house of commons today. He said, however, that latest reports showed a lull following Sunday's fighting in the Japanese concession there. OLD LEDGER REVEALS MODERATE FUR COSTS SEWARD, An old ledger of the Northern Commercial Company of Alaska, dated 1882 discovered nt Dutch Harbor, discloses that it would have been inexpensive in that day to supply a movie star's full conplement of furs.

Here some quotations: 132 sea otters, $1320: seal. $114; 300 silver foxes, $300: black foxes, $24; 120 red foxes, $60; 436 cross foxes, $872. SHIP PIONEER DIES FREDERICTON, N. B. -(A.

Captain John Bartlett, aged Arctic navigator and a pioneer in using steel ships in sealing expeditions out of New Foundland, died Monday. A New Zealand man claims to have found a paint for branding that will stay on animals in all sorts of weather and be removed at the mills later. FLAPPER FANNY SAYS: EL AYS REG. IL S. PAT.

OFF. 01927 BY NEA SERVICE: INC. Men drive cars to get. the wits: must no lot. cuff thus dio, FACES ELECTRIC CHAIR Mrs.

Ruth Snyder, accused of slaying her husband, after with Attorney murder Newcombe in the said magistrate's that trials and convictions on charges here is Dana Wallace, her with Henry J. Gray, her clandestine admirer, she and Gray together were formally charged court at Jamaica, Long District every effort would be made, to secure speedy of first degree murder. With Mrs. Snyder NEW COUNTRY CLUB PRO, M. S.

MAISACK, ARRIVES ON MONDAY Merrill S. Maisack, new golf "pro" of the La Crosse Country club, arrived in La Crosse Monday morning and will open his shop at the club house within the next day or two. Maisack comes to La Crosse from his last post there being at Miami. Prior to that time he WAS for ninetten months pro at Ocalla Highlands Country club, Ocalla, Florida. In addition to teaching and other items of a professional's routine, Maisack is a qualified golf architect.

He built the course at Ocalla, and also designed a course at Gainesville, Fla. The new professional was accompanied to La Crosse by his wife and five-monthsold baby daughter, Barbara Ann. CHADRON, (A. -Chief Jack Red Cloud, whose father was among the last Indian leaders to quit the warpath when civilization came to Nebraska and the Dakotas, will be among the hosts to members of the National Editorial Association in June. After its national convention at Omaha the association will take its members on a twelve day tour of western Nebraska and the Black Hills of South Dakota.

and Red Cloud is helping to arrange an Indian war dance and barbecue for the editors at Chadron. The young chief, although 'moderately well to do from his allotments, picks potatoes in western Nebraska for $4 a day, as do his fellow braves of the Sioux tribe. They ride to work on their white ponies and on state occasions appear in the "democratic wagons," which the whites abandoned a generation ago. RED CLOUD WILL HELP TO WELCOME EDITORS PRISON GUARD SOUGHT FOR RICHLAND SHOOTING RICHLAND CENTER, -(A. -Emory Jones, night guard at the state penitentiary at Waupun, being sought by Sheriff Deitzman of: Richland county on a charge of assault with a dangerous weapon.

Charges were preferred as a result of a shooting at Riverview, thirteen miles southwest of here, late Sunday. Jones is alleged to have drawn a revolver on Max McNurlen, Sextonville, but when a bystander knocked the gun from his hand, the bullet crashed through the wall of the summer resort. McNurlen later reported the occurrence to the sheriff and the latter sent a message to Warden Oscar Lee state penitentiary to arrest Jones if he returns for prison duty. PEER THINKS BRITISH MEN WORK TOO LITTLE BRADFORD. (A.

age 86, who works 12 hours every day in the week, believes that too many business men retire too early, and in consequence die sooner than they should. The peer vast interests in the woolen industry, coming to his office here from Blyth Hall. Blyth, Nottinghamshire, 50 miles. Lord Barnby rises at 6 a. m.

the year round and takes a peep at part of his estate before breakfast. LATEST SPORTS ST. LOUIS. (A. Charles Flint Rhem of Rhems.

S. 23 year old right hander who won twenty games for the world champion St. Louis Cardinals last season, has signed one year contract, President Sam Breadon announced today, Rhem in the fold, the club's roster is complete, as he was the last of the "holdouts." AUNT HET BY ROBERT QUILLEN (Copyright, 1927, Publishers Syndicate). GL "I like white gravy better, myself, but brown gravy don't show so bad on Pa's vest." Last year license and automobile number plates brought in over 000,000. CAROL LEAVES TO VISIT FATHER BUT RETURNS TO PARIS Political Parties in Rumania Active While King Lies Critically Ill --Prince Carol of Rumania, who left his residence at, Neuilly early Sunday for an unknown destination, returned this morning.

He has arranged to confer today with five Rumanians, whose names have not been given. Telegrams from Bucharest, where the prince's father, King Ferdinand, is critically. ill, were received Sunday prince's departure. They were forwarded hastily to the prince at Lebourget flying field and are believed to have brought about his return home. Madame Magda Lupescu, with whom Prince Carol has been living at Neuilly, returned with him.

Political parties in Rumania were busy today maneuvering gain control of the kingdom in the event of the death of Ferdinand. Premier Averscu, said the Matin's correspondent in the Rumanian capital in a dispatch sent by way of Belgrade, Jugo Slavia, was preparing for coup d'etat after the manner of Admiral Horthy, regent of Hungary. He had posted troops at all strategic the adherents of pointer Premier Bratiano and to keep Carol out of the country. RECEIVE BIDS FOR STREET PAVING IN CITY OF VIROQUA VIROQUA, (Special.) -Paving of portions of Viroqua streets will begin as soon as weather conditions permit. Sections of streets Broadway, to be are Center Avenue, East Jefferson, Rusk Avenue and East Decker.

Sealed proposals for work to be performed and the with materials furnished, together all work incidental thereto, cording to the plans and specificawill be receved at the of the tions on file at the city cleric's office. city clerk of Viroqua until 7:30 p. April 12. Bids for four types of pavement will be asked for namely: course reinforced concrete pavement: asphaltic concrete pavement on a concrete foundation: vibrolithic reinforced concrete pavement, and asphaltic concrete pavement on 8 "black base." THIN WOMEN HAVE SLIM CHANCE HERE BRESLAU, Germany. When a woman in America diets to willowy slimness, she wins her husband's approval.

But if she does it in Germany, her husband may win a divorce. A man here came into court with a demand for a divorce, sayso that she could wear fashionable ing his wife had reduced 31, pounds clothes. He argued that this was a deliberate reduction of what she knew was her principal charm, and so constituted a legal grievance. The court agreed with him. He's single now.

LIBERTY NEW YORK- (A. ed: Liberty 100.27 First .103.14 100.14 Second, .101.3 Fourth 104.2 BONDS SO -Liberties clos- U. S. government 105.26 U. S.

government 4s 108.18 U. S. government 113.27 THE STOCK MARKET The closing was strong. Total sales approximated 1,800,000 shares. Closing prices: Allied Chemical and Dye American Can 45 American Car and Foundry .102 American Locomotive Smelting and .145 American Sugar 84 American Tel.

and Tel. 166 American Tobacco 125 American Wat. Wks. and El. American Woolen, bid 19 Anaconda Copper Atchison Coast Atlantic Line Baldwin Locomotive 189 Baltimore and Ohio Bethlehem Steel California Pet.

26 Canadian Pacific 184 Cerro de Pasco 62 Cheaapeage and Ohio 165 Chic. Mil. St. P. pfd.

22 Chic. and N. Western 821 Chic. R. I.

and Pacific Chile Copper Chryler Corp. 40 Coca Cola Col. Colorado Fuel 71 Gas and El. 87 Consolidated Gas Cont. Baking 40 Corn Products ex.

div. Dodge Crucible Bros. Steel 91 Du Pont de Nem. 220 Erie Railroad Famous Players Freeport-Texas 58 General Asphalt 801 Gen. new General Motors 179 Gt.

N. Iron Ore ctfs. Gt. Northern pfd. 87 Hudson Motors 3 Illinois Central Int.

Com. Eng. 51 Int. Harvester Int. Mer.

Mar. pfd. 40 Int. Nickel 42 Kan. City Southern Inter.

Kennecott Tel. and Tel. Cop 62 Lehigh Valley, bid 116 Louisville and Nash 133 Mack Truck 105 Marland Oil Mid-Continent Pet 31 Kan. and Tex Missouri Pacific pfd. 108 Montgomery Ward 641 Nash Motors New York Central 145 N.

Y. N. H. and Htfd. Norfolk and Western Nor.

American Northern Pacific 00 Packard Motor Car 05 Pan Am. Pet. 57 Pennsylvania 621 Phillips Petrolium 46 Pierce- Arrow M. 20 Radio Corp Reading 111 Rep. Iron and Steel Reynolds Tob.

109 St. L. and San Fran. 112 Seaboard Air Line 30 Sinclair Con. Oil So.

Dairies "B' Southern Pacific 113 Southern Ry. Standard Oil, Calif. 55 Standard Oil, N. J. Standard oil, 30 Studebaker 54 Texas Corp.

Texas Gulf Sulphur 60 Texas and Pacific 69 Tobacco Products 99 Union Pacific 172 United Drug U. S. Ind. Alcohol 74 U. S.

Rubber Steel Univ. Pipe and Rad. Wabash Ry. Western Maryland Westinghouse Elec. 76 Wheeling and I.

Erie, bid 61 Willys-Overland Woolworth Fellow Tk. and Coach 28 Allis Chalmers 97 Butterick Case 169 Continental 13 Inspiration 19 Jordan Motometer Simmons Stewart Warner Union oil 421 White Motors 49 DRUMS DO HER TALKING Marjorie Jane Geltman is only 16 months of age and doesn't talk very plainly yet, but she can make a set of trop drums get up and give a speech. The Cleveland tot recently played with an orchestra at an entertainment and more than 500 persons marveled at her uncanny sense of rhythm. She can play a mouth organ, too. HOUSTON SENIORS TO GIVE CLASS PLAY ON FRIDAY HOUSTON.

Minn. -(Special) The Senior class of the high school will give "Professor college farce comedy in three acts, with music, under the direction of C. P. Weld, at opera house Friday evening, April and a matinee at 2:00 p. m.

the, The high school orchestra will play and there will be up to date specialties between acts. Cast of Characters Professor Peterkin Pepp, a nervous wreck Harlie Larson C. B. Buttonbuster, a giddy butterfly of 48 Carl Iverson Howard Green, his son, who had the court change his name Conrad Forsyth Sim Batty, the police a college town forgurd Vathing Peddler Benson, working WaY through school Orvin Moen Noisy Fleming, just out of high school Russel Laugen Pink Hatcher, an athletic sophom*ore Phillip Senn Buster Brown, a vociferous Maurice Knutson Jack Smith, slow but sure Eddie Peterson Billie Butler, of the Glee club Benson Betty Garner, the professor's ward Alys Omodt Aunt Minerva Boulder, his housekeeper from Skowhegan, Me. Nellie Holbrook Petunia Muggins, the hired girl Goldie Olson Olga Stopski, the new teacher of folk-dancing Hjordis Julsrud Kitty Clover, a collector of souvenirs Letha Sorenson Vivian Drew, a college belle Gail Sanders Irene VanHilt, a social leader Agnes Sather, Caroline Kay, the happy little freshman Helen Happel Lillian Moore, who wants to be in movies Charlotte Foss Marion Lane, a college "bright light" Avis Tietz Synopsis Act I- Professor Pepp's residence on the college campus.

The opening of school. A trip to Russia. comes to college. Act I1-Same scene as Act. I.

Father is hazed. Surrounded by nihilists. Bombs and bumski! Act III- -Same scene. A garden party by moonlight. Celebrating the football victory.

Bonfire and parade. Father the football hero. The serenade. Aunt Minerva on the warpath. A double wedding.

Pianist--Ruth Holbrook. RAISES FROGS IN WELL LAPORTE, Eighty thousand frogs sing Edward Chambers to sleep every night. He has been a frog farmer for more than forty years, raising them until they are a year old, then marketing the legs. At first he caught them along stream beds at night, but the demand became 80 great that he now has his own preserve. A traffic court on wheels is an innovation in California.

REVIVAL SERVICES AT CHRIST CHURCH ARE WELL ATTENDED Meetings to be Held Regularly Every Evening Until After Sunday The revival services which will run every night except Saturday until Easter, began with a good attendance at the Church of Tabernacle last night. Mrs. Mark ElClaristo liott sang "Can the World See Jesus in You?" Eight charts were used to illustrate the subject, "'The Kingdom of Christ." Mr. Elliott showed that the Kingdom of Christ was set up on the day of Pentecost following the resurrection of Christ as recorded in the second chapter of Acts when the ambassadors plenipotentiaries, inspired by the Holy Spirit, proclaimed the law in induction and three thousand ple were naturalized as citizens of the kingdom. territory, it was explained, included the whole world, and although many do not recognize sovereignty of the King the responsibility reme mains nevertheless and judgment will be made accordingly.

Another chart explained the naturalization law. Declaring one's intentions to become a citizen is futile unless naturalization further law and complies takes the with oath the of allegiance. The services closed with a baptismal. The dispensations of the Holy Spirit (which includes the baptism of the Holy Spirit) will be the subject of the chart sermon tonight at the Church of Christ Tabernacle, corner Ferry street and West avenue south. LOVE BIRDS TO JAPAN -When Prince Chichibu of Japan was called home from Oxford by the illness of his father, he took with him a pair of "love popular parlor pets in England.

He started a his country that is bringing thousands of the birds each month MARRIAGE LICENSES William Henry Sauerbier, La Crosse, and Marie A. Hutzler, Genoa. Leslie Stratman, town of Barre, land Selma Pederson, West Salem. MOTHER VISITS CONFESSED SLAYER TEA Mrs. M.

E. Mathew, of Middleton, are shownt as they embraced in Interment will be made in Oak jail at Memphis. I Cemetery, SUPERIOR SCHOOL STRIKE STILL ON MONDAY MORNING Pickets Force Returning Stu. dents to Quit; Want Teacher Re-instated NEA SUPERIOR, -(A. -Central High School's student strike was still promise on of a and until gave no -up school authorities reached some agreement with student strikers.

At 7:30 a. Monday when the first students began to return to school they were met by about 40 pickets encircling the building. They were told to turn back that there will be postershore Glaring red and green telephone poles and vantage points dur. ing the night. They read: Stand your ground, zero -what a threat- we must get Dickie back, cantione the purpose of the strike best realized if order is kept." The "zero" in the posters refers to the threat of Paul R.

Spencer, superintendent of schools made to the striking students. He said he would mark them zero unless they returned to their classes. "Dickie" is Miss Lulu J. Dickinson, teacher at Central for 23 years, who has been removed by Spencer and the board of education and who the students want back. A crowd of about 300 students formed in front of the high school this and paraded to the main the They were morning, orderly.

The top of an's truck again provided a ros. trum for the student speakers. A half dozen students spoke. The upshot of the meeting was the decision for eta three or four students to visit Spencer and demand that he withdraw his threat of "return to school or take a mark of zero" and also that Dickinson be reinstated. No names were mentioned and the committee was expected to form itself, from leaders.

Miss Viola Wick, senior who, up to a few days ago, was one of the main agitators for the strike, reached by telephone this morning, and asked it she were going to school said: "Yes. I'm going, but I'm going to keep the other students from getting inside." C. G. Wade, principal of the school, said this morning he had counted the students who remained he estimated about 90 in schoolrand The has an enrollment of about 900 students. POLICE CAPTURE MEXICAN BANDITS WHO SLEW YANK Wilkins Murdered Because of Close Pursuit Prisoners Tell Captors -(A.

-Members MEXICO CITY- which kidnapped and murdered Edgar M. Wilkins, an American, electrical engineer, were in the custody of the Mexican authorities at Guadalajara Monday. They were captured by the local near there after having been sought for two weeks federal police, troops. Three of the men captured were said to have confessed that, Wilkins was killed because the members of the band were enraged over the close pursuit. The ten year old son of Wilkins who was captured with his father, identified Mariano Calzada, one of the men taken into custody, as the leader of the kidnappers.

The youth had been released by the Mexicans shortly after capture and sent back into Guadalajara with a note demanding a ransom of $20,000 for the father. Isadoro Perez and Vincente Perolsado were the other men arrested. Government officials said the murder of the American, appeared to have the ear marks of to embarrass the government of President Calles and possibly cause trouble with the United States which had protested against the kidnapping and murder. Secret service men will investigate the case. PLANE ATTEMPTS FLIGHT TO SAVE DYING ESKIMO SEATTLE, -(A.

-The aid of a second airplane was enlisted Monday as efforts were made to save the life of David Sepillu, Alaska's wealthiest Eskimo, who lies near death in his Arctic home on St. Lawrence island, in the Bering Sea. A plane piloted by Joe Crosson of Fairbanks, attempted to reach the island last week and take the stricken reindeer king to Nome for an operation. but was forced down in a blizzard at Kotzebue, several hundred miles from its destination. Crosson decided that it was not feasible to continue the journey while the storm raged and returned to Fairbanks Saturday night.

The residents of the island, however, financed a second attempt to reach the dying man by airplane. A plane at Anchorage now awaits the call to undertake the perilous 650 mile flight. MRS. A. NIMETZ IS IMPROVED BUT IN SERIOUS CONDITION Mrs.

Albert Nimetz. of Onalaska, who, with her husband sustained injuries late Thursday night when the car in which they were riding collided with a switch engine of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad, is somewhat improved today, according to a report of the atending physician, through her condition is still serious. Mrs. Nimetz sustained severe cuts about her face and head and her forehead was fractured, while Mr. Nimetz was badly Mr.

Nimetz has fully recovered. TEAM BOLTS: FARMER DIES MAUSTON, -Elmer Stewart. 68, a farmer, died here from injuries received when the team he was driving ran away and threw him from the wagon. Real Estate Transfers The following real estate transfers have been recorded with Register of Deeds C. J.

Wachs: Candace A. Buttles, Hennepin county, to Homer and Jessie Van Burg, lot 13, block 2, of Losey's addition to La Crosse. Morris and Anna Knudson to Barney L. Doherty, lots 9 and 10, block 3 of N. W.

Twining's addition to the city of La Crosse. William H. and Rose Ristow to Eula Olson, lot 79, block 9 of Salzer terrace. Louise Doerflinger to Curtis Weisse, lots 17. 18.

19 and 20. block 2, of Warner's subdivision of of nw of section 4, township 15 north of range 7 west. In Siberia certain natives are said to practice a form of hibernation in the winter for days at a time. PRESIDENT LIFTS BAN UPON SON'S DATES WITH GIRL PLAINVILLE. -John Coolidge has presidential and parental permission now to visit Miss Florence Trumbull, the governor's daughter, as often as he likes.

Heretofore his trips have been confined to special occasions with consent necessary for each one. There was a lot of motoring over the week-end. Miss Trumbull met a train from Washington at Hartford with the governor's car Saturday night. She and the young man went to a dance in a Hartford club and thence to the governor's home. night, There was a motor trip about he countryside Sunday.

Joint motoring back to college, he to Amherst and she to Mt. Holyoke, concludes this chapter. OBITUARY MRS. SAMANTA JANE OLIVER Mrs. Samanta Jane Oliver, 71, died Sunday afternoon at a local hospital.

She is survived by her husband, two Mrs. Martin Mellem, of daughters, Mrs. George Woodhous, of Adams, Wisconsin. The body may be viewed at the Fessler funeral parlors until Tuesday evening. It will be removed to Victory for interment in the Retreat cemetery Wednesday morning.

Services will be held at Victory at 1:00 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. HELEN BANASIK ITNYRE Helen Banasik Itnyre, 36, died at a local hospital Sunday morning. She is survived by her husband, two daughters, Lenora and Mayories, one son. Harold: her mother, Mrs. P.

Banasik, La Crosse; two sisters, Mrs. N. F. Bleakley, of Cedar Rapids, Mrs. A.

I. Montgomery, of La Crosse, and five brothers, John, of Langdon, Ignatus, Steven. Anthony, and Roman, of La Crosse. Funeral services will be held Wedmorning at 8:30 from the nesday home, 1022 Mississippi street, and at 9:00 o'clock from the Holy Cross Rev. J.

M. Korseyk will of: church. ficiate and interment will be made in the Catholic cemetery. EDWARD NELSON HOLME The funeral of Edward Nelson Holme, who died Saturday afternoon, will be held afternoon at 2:00 o'clock Thursday, rest- dence. 1633 Prospect street, and at 2:30 from the Bethel Lutheran church.

Rev. O. S. Paulson will officiate and interment will be made in the Oak Grove Cemetery. MISS ANNE G.

FORD Word has been received here of the death, in Minneapolis Sunday evening Miss Anne G. Ford, formerly of La Crosse. Burial will toke place in La Crosse, with services held at three o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the home of Miss E. A. Goodland, North Seventh street.

Rev. Vin313 ter, of Christ Episcopal church, will officiate. MRS. CLARA BERG FUNERAL Funeral services for Clara who died Friday at her home Berg. Chipmunk Ridge, held Wedin nesday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock from the home, it was announced today.

Services at the Hamburg church will be held at 2:30. CHAS. JOHNSON Chas. Johnson, formerly de LA Crosse died at Chicago, Saturday April 2. 1927.

He is survived by his widow and four children, Mrs. C'hester Johnson of Sparta, Viola, Madison. Clayton and Walter off La Crosse. Also four brothers, Olf ren, Washington. Engwald, of Chaiseburg.

Theodore, La Crosse, sand Mrs. P. O. Berg, Chicago, 2.00 Mrs. J.

Selbo. La Crosse. Funeral services will be held at the Hellwig Funerada Chapel, 208 South 4th street, afternoon at p. m. Rev.

Magelssen will office ate Anna Mae Wilkinson, confessed slayer of George Oldham, in Memphis, "kept up a stiff front" after her arrest--until her mother came. Then she broke down. The girl killed a jealous laver, police declared, when he imprisoned her in, his apartment. The with her mother,.

The La Crosse Tribune from La Crosse, Wisconsin (2024)


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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.